Prof. Alberto Troccoli gives talk to Teenagers at Bright Green Future about Climate and Renewable Energy

17th February 2018, Norwich UK

Teenagers on the Bright Green Future environmental leadership programme received a talk about Climate and Renewable Energy from the World Energy & Meteorology Council (WEMC) Managing Director this week.

The talk introduced the evolving relationship between energy and climate and the impacts of weather and climate on the energy sector. The ongoing transformation for the energy sector, with increasing supplies from various renewable sources was discussed, along with the variable and increasing demand levels against a changing climate. Prof. Troccoli also introduced/presented the Climatic Energy Mixes (ECEM) – a Copernicus Climate Change service online interactive tool to test energy mixes.

With a view to introducing the teenagers to the nexus between weather, climate and energy, the talk hoped to inspire teenagers to learn more about the evolving field of energy & meteorology. Bright Green Future is an environmental leadership programme for teenagers who want to create a more sustainable future for the planet. It provides a unique opportunity for young people aged between 14 and 19 to learn about climate change and environmental protection. Those involved can also benefit from work placements, local projects and summer schools.

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