Established in 2015, the World Energy & Meteorology Council (WEMC) is an organisation based at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK. We work with stakeholders around the world to promote and enhance interaction between the energy industry and the weather, climate and broader environmental sciences community.
WEMC is also the convener of the International Conference Energy & Meteorology series (ICEM). The conference brings together leading energy and climate change experts to explore the key issues at the nexus of weather, climate and energy.
Our vision is to contribute to the global activities of science and energy experts, to create a sustainable world where energy systems work in synergy with our weather, climate and environment.
We will do this by facilitating shared learning and interaction between our stakeholders from the energy industry and the weather, climate and broader environmental sciences community.


WEMC is committed to exploiting weather, climate and environmental factors towards expanding renewable energy, reducing the consumption of non-renewable energy, transforming the layout of energy applications, and optimising the energy structure.
We want to contribute to environmental and ecological protection and find a sustainable way in which humans can co-exist with the natural world.
To engage in open, constructive and respectful exchanges of policy and research ideas, across a diverse network of people.
To provide a trusted source of knowledge and advice, and accelerate uptake of meteorological information by the energy industry, through proven, accurate and reliable research and data.
To facilitate practical collaboration between the energy and meteorology sectors, and help ensure scientific learning can be applied to practical solutions for industry.