Service Development of the C3S Energy project
Under the continuation of the C3S SIS Energy operational service, the next phase of the contract, which started June 2020, will continue improving the operational tools developed during the first phase of the C3S Energy operational contract (see below). This will be operated and maintained over a 13-month period and is led and executed by the World Energy & Meteorology Council (WEMC) in collaboration with Météo-France and EDF (France).
A key component of C3S Energy project is the set of documents which ensure that the provided products are fully traceable, adequately described, and sufficient attention has been given to assessment of uncertainties and user guidance. These documents provide sufficient detail to allow scientists in the field to reproduce all that has been implemented in the service. Documentation includes items such as Variable Fact Sheets, Methods & Limitations, a User Guide for Seasonal Forecasting and Key Messages. A micro-website, linked to the C3S website, which includes blogs, webinar recordings and FAQs has also been produced.
As part of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), the C3S Energy project (May 2018 to April 2020) developed an operational climate service for the energy sector. This built on the work of the two previous C3S Proof-of-Concepts (POCs) CLIM4ENERGY (C4E) and European Climatic Energy Mixes (ECEM), including their demonstrators. A key aspect of this new work has been the consultation and service co-design with the energy industry. It produced energy indicators for electricity demand, wind power, solar power and hydro power for three streams: historical (last ca 40 years), seasonal forecasts and projections (to 2100). Corresponding relevant climate variables were also produced and made available. These products will be presented through a web interface or demonstrator to be released in the Service Development phase of the project. Two case studies to illustrate the added value of energy variables and the derived products to minimize operational costs for the energy industry were also produced. These provide a baseline comparison using climatology or existing products against the optimized and tailored state-of-the-art seasonal and climate products used in this operational service. This has been achieved through ongoing interaction with key stakeholders such as E. ON UK and Envision.
To get involved or request more information please visit the C3S Energy website or email: alberto.troccoli@wemcouncil.org